Saturday, February 12, 2011

A new book publishing project underway

I just got back from a great meeting with a new client. She's got a self-help workbook that is based on a program she developed which has had a great deal of success for people dealing with panic/anxiety.

It's an exciting project, and I'm honored to be part of it.

What we're doing is publishing her on Lulu, where she can have total control over her own content and create the workbook that meets her own standards. I'm making sure her book interior and cover art is properly formatted, her ISBN is properly used, the pricing is appropriate, and that the finished product is what she's looking for.

I'll be reporting in more as we proceed.

One of the really great things about Lulu, is that you can have total control over your book -- from layout to cover art. The main restrictions are around how much it all costs, in the end -- that is, how much it will cost to buy. No money changes hands, unless/until a book is purchased, so that gives you a lot of leeway with how to format you book.

Well, speaking of leeway, it's time for me to get going with uploading her materials to Lulu. Then we'll take a look at it and see if it's what she wants/needs. If so, she's all set with a published book on Lulu. Exciting!

Then, we focus on the website...

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